A Game of Sensations at Romanov Dvor

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A new exhibition has opened in the art gallery of the Romanov Dvor business center – Game of Sensations by artist Lada Pestretsova.

The exposition “Game of Sensations” covers all the key themes: everyday life, women, love and relationships. All of the works on display are done in pastels.

The artist’s subject matter is life itself, presented in all of its esthetic diversity. The artist makes broad use of signals and symbols, playing with the viewer’s sensations, slightly pulling back the drapes of secrecy.

The exhibition will continue through April 18 at the art gallery of the Romanov Dvor business center. Entry is free of charge.

The concept of Romanov Dvor is business as an art. This is why the business center places such an emphasis on art expositions, which are updated every month.