Potential of “green” building certification in Russia

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RD Management has analyzed the projects certified according to BREEAM and LEED international ecological standards. The study was aimed at objective assessment of potential for certification of completed projects according to “green” standards in Russia.

According to RD Management study, the number of commercial properties in Russia certified according to BREEAM In-Use ecological standard may grow by 50% over the next 3 years. In this case, the “green” certificate will be the key indicator of the project’s quality for building owners.

RD Management experts have considered commercial and residential properties, as well as socially important projects, located in Russia, the Czech Republic, Norway, the UAE, Germany, France, the UK.

The undisputable leader by the number of “green” projects is the UK. There are 4977 projects certified according to BREEAM and LEED standards in this country. This is due to the fact that the UK is a BREEAM standard pioneer. Moreover, strict legal standards for environment protection are in force in the country.

According to the obtained data, in Germany, France, the UK and the UAE ecological standards are applied throughout the entire territory. In Russia, the Czech Republic and Norway metropolitan building certification is mainly in focus. For example, 40% of all “green” buildings are located in Moscow and 60% of them are located throughout the entire territory of the country. The situation is similar in Norway: 39% of all green buildings are located in Oslo and 61% of them - outside the capital.


Romanov Dvor business center was the first project in Russia to receive an Excellent score according to BREEAM In-Use standards. The performance of RD Management was assessed in accordance with the world ecological safety standards for class A business centers and the company received the highest mark in the market – 84%.

There are 53 real estate units in Russia that are certified according to the BREEAM standards, 37 of them received Good and Very Good scores. Besides Romanov Dvor, the only project that received an Excellent score is K2 business park. There are no projects with the highest Outstanding score in Russia.