Armen Sarukhanyan on New Opportunities


General Director of RD Management Armen Sarukhanyan spoke to the real estate portal about new opportunities for management companies in the current unstable market conditions.

A professional management can transform the negative aspects of the economic crisis in the country into new opportunities.

“From the perspective of Facility Management there are two key points: a crisis always washes away the mid-sized companies, and as a result a large number of qualified specialists enter the labor market. This provides an additional competitive advantage for large management companies which are prepared to invest in personnel and build their potential,” Armen Sarukhanyan notes.

According to Sarukhanyan, in times of crisis owners minimize their number of partners, showing a preference for working with one management company from which they can receive the full spectrum of services according to the “one window” principle. Despite this, the cost optimization for the services of a professional management company will not be substantial.


“A time of crisis for us is above all else a reason to think things over and diversify risks. The company is seeking out innovative areas of the real estate market, the volume of services we offer is expanding. At the same time we remain true to one of the core principles of the work of our company – not to economize at the expense of quality. We look at a property through the eyes of an owner. This approach lies at the foundation of our business philosophy,” concludes Armen Sarukhanyan.