Olga Resina in Property Management Guide


Olga Resina, Commercial Director of RD Management, told Property Management Guide about the advantages of the tender board in the management company structure.

Tender board was formed in RD Management in 2013 and includes Heads of Financial, Legal and Commercial Departments, Manager of Facility Group, Director of Cleaning Services and coordinators,

Tender board establishment at RD Management was conditioned by several circumstances, namely the growing number of projects in the company’s portfolio, the need for monitoring and comprehensive analysis of contractor companies, private factor exclusion, better cost by means of volume growth and minimization of management company reputation risks.


In the current economic environment, selection of contractors by means of centralized tenders becomes an efficient cost optimization tool.

Centralized tender gives the opportunity to choose the best offer on the basis of the optimal price-quality ratio. As a rule, there are major companies among the participants of our tenders, which are ready to allow discounts on their services under condition of a large amount of work,” – Olga Resina noted.