Olga Resina Speaks at PFM Congress


The VIII Property & Facility Management Congress was held yesterday in Moscow, where market participants discussed trends on the property and facility management market. One of the speakers at the event was Olga Resina, Commercial Director of RD Management.

The Property & Facility Management Congress is an annual event which brings together the leading players on the property and facility management market.

In her remarks, Olga Resina noted that given the current economic conditions, the holding of tenders by management companies to choose subcontractors is an effective instrument for optimizing the expenses of property owners.

“The holding of a tender by the management company makes it possible to select the best offer in terms of optimal price/quality balance. As a rule, the participants of our tenders are major companies which are prepared to provide discounts if there is a large volume of work,” Olga Resina says.

When inviting a subcontractor to participate in a tender, RD Management takes into consideration the legal and financial reliability of the company and its reputation on the market.


A tender committee was created at RD Management in 2013. It includes the heads of the financial, legal and commercial departments as well as the property group manager, cleaning director and coordinators.

The motivation for creation the Tender Committee at RD Management came from the increase in the number of properties in the company’s portfolio, the need for monitoring and comprehensive analysis of subcontractors, the elimination of personal factors, and attaining higher value through volume and mitigation of reputational risks for the management company.


The Property & Facility Management Congress is an annual event dedicated to issues concerning the management and maintenance of real estate. Market experts share their experience and innovations in the sphere of building management, maintenance and servicing in Russia and Europe.